Heart for the House

On December 8th we will begin to receive the Heart for the House offering. We love this time to give back to God and others as we remember all God has done for us this year!

Goal $87,000


Judy Dickerson (Brazil)
Emma Rohrs (We Find in Love)
-After School Program for Refugees
Bryan and Kim Burr (Convey of Hope, Africa)
Lance and Mindy Hines (Zambia, Africa)
-Building a bible school
Jeff and Patti Graham (Streams Of Water Orphanage)
-Clothes and Christmas gifts for rescued children in Mexico
Roger and Laurie Kuykendall (Africa)


The Place Refugee Center
Faith City Missions
Hope Choice Pregnancy Center
Gene Howe Elementary


(for ages 2-15)
For our Church Family and to build community in our neighborhood