Generosity is our Privilege because Jesus was first Generous to Us.
At AF, we believe embracing a lifestyle of generosity is a vital aspect of our faith journey with Jesus. Just as people are unique, so are to the expressions of generosity. In our community, we celebrate the many avenues of giving and serving. These include financial support, devoting time as a volunteer, or extending grace and mercy to others.
What's Your Next Step In Generosity?

When you realize everything you have is a gift from God, something changes. Jesus’ vision of an Acts 2 church, becomes an ever-present reality. Needs are met, poverty is alleviated, injustice is fought, healing is found, and eternities are transformed through the power Christ and His Church. When you open your hands to give, not only does our church, community and city change, but you also change. So what is your next step in your giving journey?

Emerging Giver
Emerging Givers are people who start their giving journey with any financial gift. This is the first step for people to begin giving financially to AF and towards the Kingdom of God.

Consistent giver
Being a Consistent giver is the next step in the giving journey with giving a percentage or a specific amount consistently to help fund the vision of the church.

Tithe Giver
Tithe Givers commit to regular tithing – giving the first 10 percent of their income to the church to help fund the vision of the church and advance the Kingdom of God.

Extravagant Giver
Extravagant Givers are a team of people committed to give above the tithe with a spirit of generosity, advancing the Kingdom of God through financial investment.
Teachings on Generosity
Here are two sermons from our Pastor on what we believe in the power of generosity!